Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cash's Busy Weekend

So our weekend started off with the Dog Days of Summer event in Westerville on Friday night. Cash and I walked around town did some shopping but mostly visited with other dog people and friends. On Saturday we went to the Wag!Fest in Hilliard for a dog friendly day of food samples , swimming and playing in the ice tent. On the way home from the Wag!Fest we stopped by the firehouse to see Dave at work.  Cash played in the garage area and discovered there ice machine there. She was in heaven.

Now on to today , Sunday! As if the previous two days weren't busy enough we had our Rally class at Anything Goes for Dogs in the morning. Cash is really coming along and loves her rally classes.  After class we went to the pet store so I could treat Cash to a new leash and collar. She deserved it after this past weekend. I also got her a bone to chew on in the car.  After leaving the pet store we went to the barn to check on Penny.  It was hot and buggy so I only rode for 25 minutes and Cash followed us around some when she wasn't busy eating horse poop or chasing the barn cat.  Now that Cash is completely filthy from rolling in who know what and splashing in the water bowl I took her over to my Grandma Limes for a family cook out that was going on.

At my Grandma's Cash got to meet a lot of my family members but the best part was the pool.  It didn't take her long to figure out that she could swim down the steps and have the pool to herself. She loved it. I had taken one of her retrieving bumpers along and she swam and retrieved all afternoon. Then she would come out of the pool and shake water on everyone, I am used to it but some of my relatives that aren't into dogs were a little put off with the show. I thought it was hysterical. On the way home she passed out cold.

Now what should we plan for next weekend?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dog Days of Summer - 4th Fridays in Westerville

I took Cash to her first dog event today. I grew up in Westerville and have always loved spending time in uptown Westerville. The historic building are kept up the streets and sidewalks are always clean and decorated. It was great going back and even better since I had my girl Cash with me. 

In the summer Westerville always has an event the fourth Friday of the month. It's always a different theme. This month it was " dog days of summer ". It's a pet friendly event with proceeds raised to benefit the Delaware county humane society. 

There were lots of vendors, people, and other dogs ( and 1 pig ). Cash had a great time she was well behaved and sat for people to pet her. She even got a doggie snow cone ( shaved ice with peanut butter and a milk bone on top). We also received lots of dog food samples and treats. 

Cash got to hang out with her grandma aka my mom as well as my friend Jan and her caviler Wyatt. We even got our photo taken in a photo booth. It was so much fun I can't wait until next year to do it all again. Hopefully it will be cooler next year it was in the upper 80's today. Why do they plan dog events in the summer and not the fall when the weather is better?  

Cash is now passed out sleeping. 💤

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sandusky Bay Hunter Retriever Club - Started Hunt Test

Dave had been working hard training Tank for hunt tests.  Tank already has his junior hunt title with AKC but he had that prior to us owing him.  Dave decided to try his hand a training Tank for the UKC tests. They are structured slightly different and more like true hunting environments. In order to pass the hunt test the dogs have to do 2 land retrieves and 2 water retrieves. The dogs are held steady by the handlers and then the duck is launched and the dogs are sent on the birds. Once they find the bird they retrieve it back to the handler and hold the bird until the handlers releases it. 

 Our first experience with a hunt test was this past weekend at Sandusky Bay Hunter Retriever Club.  The event was Saturday and Sunday and the dogs ran 4 passes both days (2 land and 2 water ). Dave took Tank up on Saturday by himself and the passed with no problems.  On Saturday night Dave drove home so that I could attend on Sunday.  On Sunday we left bright and early and took Cash along as well. Avery got left behind again.  Once we got to the event grounds with met with the other handlers and owners. They were all great and took the time to explain stuff to a beginner like me.

I got to watch Tank run and was so impressed with my boy. You could just tell he lives for hunting up dead birds. Just watching the thrill in his movements is so cool.   He has a lot more drive than a lot of the other dogs there.  The other dogs running were mostly labs and golden retrievers but we also saw and Airedale run as well.

Tank come out of the weekend with two passes and two ribbons. I can't wait until the next test in September. Good job boys!!

Cash just passed out !! Lots of loving for her, Tank came out the biggest winner in my heart.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Gables

I have several friends that have dogs that are Therapy Dog, and I know it a rewarding thing to do but I never knew how rewarding until today.

As most of you know Cash got her certification as a Therapy Dog back in March and since then we have been visiting nursing homes in the Marysville area. We stater off at a facility that I wasn't all the comfortable with. There was no guidance or instructions, so I did some asking around and we ended up at the Gables. This place is great the activities coordinator is great she knows about all of the residents and patients that are in the facility. She is able to direct me towards individuals that like dogs and those who don't get many visitors.

Today we started are visit much like last time. The coordinator Leah lead us around and asked the residents if they wanted a visit and the ones that did we went into there rooms for a short visit. One of the residents we called on wasn't feeling good but she wanted a visit anyway. Once Cash entered the room her face lit up.  She informed me that she loved the picture I left of Cash last time and that she says good morning to Cash everyday.  Cash went over to the patients bed and leaned into her so she could more easily pet her. Cash greeted her first by licking her hand then sitting still to be petted.  I her the woman whisper to Cash " I just knew you would come back, I missed your so much." Hearing her say that and seeing her response to Cash gave me goosebumps and made all the hard work we did to get Cash certified worth it.

We reluctantly left the woman;s side and went on to visit other people. As our visiting time was winding down due to Bingo starting up we went into another room. I asked the last resident if she was going to bingo in a few minutes and she said no. I told her Cash was going and then left her room. As we were heading to the bingo room for our final goodbyes for the day the last resident we visited with was in her wheelchair heading to bingo after all and asked if Cash would sit with her. We sat in for a round of bingo and were leaving when Leah said that the woman never comes out to socialize or play games. I guess Cash gave her the incentive she needed to get out and enjoy her day.

What a great experience we had today and I am such a proud doggie mom. Cash is so special in so many ways and I hope she understands what a difference she makes to those around her.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rally then off to a pool party

So today I took Cash to her training class at Anything Goes for Dogs. She absolutely loves the trainer Kym and she is really getting excited about learning the dynamics for Rally Obedience. Today we refreshed the basics like sit stay, and down stay as well as sit,down,sit, and we added on learning about figure eights and serpentine patterns. Cash does great on these exercises going to the right , but when we change it up and go to the left we need some more work. She is getting more motivated and seems to be having lots of fun. I am planning on continuing her training once this session is over. I don't know that we will ever compete but we have fun playing around with it.

So once class was over today we headed over to Acme Canine for Spike's pool party. We were suppose to meet my friend Jan there with her dog Gus, but Jan got there before me and Gus was bad so they left without playing with us.  Apparently Gus humped a dog and peed on a lady so he is going home to be grounded.  Even though Gus was gone Cash still had plenty of other dogs to play with and people to love on her. She made fast friends with another yellow lab named Stanley and a Brittany spaniel. 

At the pool party Cash not only got to play with people but she also got to play several water games. The first one was a dog pool that had ball in it .The object of the game was to retrieve as many of the balls and diving rings as she could. She got 4 which got her a second place and a new toy.  The second game was a version of musical chairs. There were hula hoop on the ground and a sprinkler in the middle and when the music stopped the dogs had to find and empty hula hoop and sit in the center of it. She also got second place in this game.  The last game was a slip n slide that had water shooting up through the center and the dogs had to heal while getting sprayed with the water. Cash got a prize for this contest as well. I got very wet!!

We are back home now and Cash is sound asleep on the couch. Avery is just glad we are home so she knows where every one is and Tank stole Cash's new toy.  All is right in the world.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Training for a 5K

So I got the bright idea that I wanted to try and run/jog a 5K. I did some web surfing and found one that allows dogs to run with you and its held at Alum Creek.  Sounds like a winner, plus its not until the end of September so it gives me time to practice. So far my time sucks but there is plenty of time to improve that. Cash on the other hand looks at me like I am crazy when I am bent over trying to catch my breath, she want to keep going. I tell her she has 4 legs and I only have 2 so bare with me. 

Wish us luck!!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rock, Walk and Wag

Cash and I got to participate in an event today representing the dog scouts of America.  It was a fundraising event for the union county humane society. There were lots of people and dogs around so Cash got lots of attention and treats. Our club did a small demo that consisted of the dogs playing a musical instrument all at the same time. It was fun, Cash play the bells. 

We got to inform pet owners about dog scouts so maybe we will get some new members from the event. 

Cash and I did a 1 mile fun walk then Cash played in the kiddie pool. What more could a labrador want. She got to play in water , get lots of attention and extra treats.