Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cash's Busy Weekend

So our weekend started off with the Dog Days of Summer event in Westerville on Friday night. Cash and I walked around town did some shopping but mostly visited with other dog people and friends. On Saturday we went to the Wag!Fest in Hilliard for a dog friendly day of food samples , swimming and playing in the ice tent. On the way home from the Wag!Fest we stopped by the firehouse to see Dave at work.  Cash played in the garage area and discovered there ice machine there. She was in heaven.

Now on to today , Sunday! As if the previous two days weren't busy enough we had our Rally class at Anything Goes for Dogs in the morning. Cash is really coming along and loves her rally classes.  After class we went to the pet store so I could treat Cash to a new leash and collar. She deserved it after this past weekend. I also got her a bone to chew on in the car.  After leaving the pet store we went to the barn to check on Penny.  It was hot and buggy so I only rode for 25 minutes and Cash followed us around some when she wasn't busy eating horse poop or chasing the barn cat.  Now that Cash is completely filthy from rolling in who know what and splashing in the water bowl I took her over to my Grandma Limes for a family cook out that was going on.

At my Grandma's Cash got to meet a lot of my family members but the best part was the pool.  It didn't take her long to figure out that she could swim down the steps and have the pool to herself. She loved it. I had taken one of her retrieving bumpers along and she swam and retrieved all afternoon. Then she would come out of the pool and shake water on everyone, I am used to it but some of my relatives that aren't into dogs were a little put off with the show. I thought it was hysterical. On the way home she passed out cold.

Now what should we plan for next weekend?

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