Friday, August 23, 2013

Dog Days of Summer - 4th Fridays in Westerville

I took Cash to her first dog event today. I grew up in Westerville and have always loved spending time in uptown Westerville. The historic building are kept up the streets and sidewalks are always clean and decorated. It was great going back and even better since I had my girl Cash with me. 

In the summer Westerville always has an event the fourth Friday of the month. It's always a different theme. This month it was " dog days of summer ". It's a pet friendly event with proceeds raised to benefit the Delaware county humane society. 

There were lots of vendors, people, and other dogs ( and 1 pig ). Cash had a great time she was well behaved and sat for people to pet her. She even got a doggie snow cone ( shaved ice with peanut butter and a milk bone on top). We also received lots of dog food samples and treats. 

Cash got to hang out with her grandma aka my mom as well as my friend Jan and her caviler Wyatt. We even got our photo taken in a photo booth. It was so much fun I can't wait until next year to do it all again. Hopefully it will be cooler next year it was in the upper 80's today. Why do they plan dog events in the summer and not the fall when the weather is better?  

Cash is now passed out sleeping. 💤

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