Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blues Creek Nature Preserve

Once again I have the day off and decided to spend it with the dogs or dog in this case. I loaded up Cash and we headed to another of my favorite parks , Blues Creek.

As you may know Cash is a dog scout which means we have merit badges to earn just like Girl Scout and Boy Scouts. Today we worked on logging hours towards our backpacking badge. We have to log 6 miles with the dog in full pack. By full pack they have a list of objects they have to carry like water , bowl , first aid kit , signaling device ect. 

Today was the first day Cash got to wear her new backpack. She really liked it at first but then she realized it hindered her being able to roll in random smells. It was a plus for me. Today was also the first time I trusted her on the trail off leash. We have to log 3 of our miles off leash so I thought I better give it a shot. She did great. I am always so proud of my dogs.  

Well we got 2.5 miles logged only 3.5 more to go.

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