Friday, September 6, 2013

Walking the Pooches

Today was my day off , so what better way to spend it than taking the dogs for a long walk. We headed over to North Lewisburg to the Pottersburg Bridge Trail.  This is one of my favorite places to take the dogs for a walk. Its always quiet and peaceful without a lot of other dogs or people around. Its also nice because it is well maintained and paved so to a klutz like me doesn't have to worry about tripping over uneven ground.  Walking 3 dogs I need all of the help I can get. The dogs also love the trail because its a 2 mile trail one way and there is a stream located at the end of the trail that they get to splash and wade in before turning around and heading home.

It was no different today, the trail was quiet except for a city worker mowing the edge of the trail and a nice older man on a scooter that was out enjoying the weather with his little poodle sitting in his lap enjoying the ride. 

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