Friday, May 3, 2013


Cash and I did our monthly visit to Heartland of Marysville nursing home today. Cash loves going out into the public as a Therapy Dog ( she loves wearing her red bandana ) and today was no exception. We arrived at Heartland and Cash carried in her basket of ID photos to hand out to her new friends. Everything was going great until .... those scary helium balloons came out of nowhere and tried to eat her alive. She barked and ran out of the patients room. To my horror I didn't know what to do, Cash is always calm and collected.  The patient on the other hand thought it was hysterical that Cash was scared of the balloons.  She offered to put them on the floor but Cash still wouldn't go near them, at least the patient was mobile so she came out in the hallway for our visit.  Aside from that we visited with many other patients and even a small child who was in visiting relatives. Cash was a star as always.

Now on to the next adventure...

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