Saturday, May 18, 2013

Columbus Dog Scouts - hike at Prairie oaks take two

The Columbus Dog Scout troop had a second hike today to promote the Hike a Thon fund raiser. I was held at Prairie Oaks Metro Park. This hike was not only attended my Cash and I but Dave came along with Tank. ( I don't think I will be seeing Dave at many more of my scouting events)  We got several miles of hiking in at the park, then when we were done we took the dogs to the water area to let the pooches swim.  They loved it!! Dave had brought some retrieving bumpers and tossed them out into the lake. I had no idea Cash was such a strong swimmer. Her and Tank love the water but Cash is kind of a bully and kept stealing Tank's bumpers from him.

The dogs were out cold on the car ride home. But a 30 minute power nap is all they need once we got home they were rearing to go again. They wrestled and played in the backyard once they were home and Avery played too. She was feeling a little left out since she didn't get to go to the park with the other dogs. I wish I had a way to bottle up some of there energy to keep for myself. ( I could get so much done ).

Well thanks for reading and I will keep you up to date on the events and adventures of 3 Black Dogs

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