Friday, September 13, 2013

Slow week for the Dogs

Well, I have been working extra this week with the boss away and baby sitting for his pig, Banks, so the dogs have been a little neglected.  It has been only short walks and a few belly rubs then off to bed. At least the dogs are getting used to having Banks around.

I have to work again tomorrow but Sunday is all about the dogs!! The only question is what park to go to ?

So on to another paragraph... I am starting to try my hand at scrap booking. I think Cash needs a scrapbook for her scouting adventures and Tank need one for his hunting experiences.  I think Avery is just getting a photo album since she doesn't get out as much. Wish me luck.

Well Banks goes home tomorrow and life can get back to our normal!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blues Creek Nature Preserve

Once again I have the day off and decided to spend it with the dogs or dog in this case. I loaded up Cash and we headed to another of my favorite parks , Blues Creek.

As you may know Cash is a dog scout which means we have merit badges to earn just like Girl Scout and Boy Scouts. Today we worked on logging hours towards our backpacking badge. We have to log 6 miles with the dog in full pack. By full pack they have a list of objects they have to carry like water , bowl , first aid kit , signaling device ect. 

Today was the first day Cash got to wear her new backpack. She really liked it at first but then she realized it hindered her being able to roll in random smells. It was a plus for me. Today was also the first time I trusted her on the trail off leash. We have to log 3 of our miles off leash so I thought I better give it a shot. She did great. I am always so proud of my dogs.  

Well we got 2.5 miles logged only 3.5 more to go.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Banks is back!!

Our piggy friend is back. Some friends of mine have a baby miniature pig named Banks. They are on vacation so we get to pig sit for the week. The dogs are getting reacquainted with him and playing well together. The best part was finding out pigs really do fly. My friends have there own airplane and flew Banks here to marysville were we met them and picked him up. 
Banks is settling in nicely so look for more adventures of 3 blackdogs and 1 pig. 

Walking the Pooches

Today was my day off , so what better way to spend it than taking the dogs for a long walk. We headed over to North Lewisburg to the Pottersburg Bridge Trail.  This is one of my favorite places to take the dogs for a walk. Its always quiet and peaceful without a lot of other dogs or people around. Its also nice because it is well maintained and paved so to a klutz like me doesn't have to worry about tripping over uneven ground.  Walking 3 dogs I need all of the help I can get. The dogs also love the trail because its a 2 mile trail one way and there is a stream located at the end of the trail that they get to splash and wade in before turning around and heading home.

It was no different today, the trail was quiet except for a city worker mowing the edge of the trail and a nice older man on a scooter that was out enjoying the weather with his little poodle sitting in his lap enjoying the ride. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Family Reunion 2013

Our family reunion is held annually here in Marysville at Barb and Ron's house.  It includes lots of food, family and fun.  The hay ride is a must followed by a day of telling old stories and some new ones and lets not forget about the smores around the fire pit. 

This was the first year Cash got to attend the family reunion. She had a great time but ended up having to stay on a leash after an unfortunate incident of rolling in the freshly tilled garden and gorging herself on crab apples. Prior to her leashing she got to play with several of my extended family and two other dogs that were there as well , Cooper and Pepper.  She also kept trying to make a dash for the shallow and muddy creek bed.  She is such a tomboy!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cash's Busy Weekend

So our weekend started off with the Dog Days of Summer event in Westerville on Friday night. Cash and I walked around town did some shopping but mostly visited with other dog people and friends. On Saturday we went to the Wag!Fest in Hilliard for a dog friendly day of food samples , swimming and playing in the ice tent. On the way home from the Wag!Fest we stopped by the firehouse to see Dave at work.  Cash played in the garage area and discovered there ice machine there. She was in heaven.

Now on to today , Sunday! As if the previous two days weren't busy enough we had our Rally class at Anything Goes for Dogs in the morning. Cash is really coming along and loves her rally classes.  After class we went to the pet store so I could treat Cash to a new leash and collar. She deserved it after this past weekend. I also got her a bone to chew on in the car.  After leaving the pet store we went to the barn to check on Penny.  It was hot and buggy so I only rode for 25 minutes and Cash followed us around some when she wasn't busy eating horse poop or chasing the barn cat.  Now that Cash is completely filthy from rolling in who know what and splashing in the water bowl I took her over to my Grandma Limes for a family cook out that was going on.

At my Grandma's Cash got to meet a lot of my family members but the best part was the pool.  It didn't take her long to figure out that she could swim down the steps and have the pool to herself. She loved it. I had taken one of her retrieving bumpers along and she swam and retrieved all afternoon. Then she would come out of the pool and shake water on everyone, I am used to it but some of my relatives that aren't into dogs were a little put off with the show. I thought it was hysterical. On the way home she passed out cold.

Now what should we plan for next weekend?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dog Days of Summer - 4th Fridays in Westerville

I took Cash to her first dog event today. I grew up in Westerville and have always loved spending time in uptown Westerville. The historic building are kept up the streets and sidewalks are always clean and decorated. It was great going back and even better since I had my girl Cash with me. 

In the summer Westerville always has an event the fourth Friday of the month. It's always a different theme. This month it was " dog days of summer ". It's a pet friendly event with proceeds raised to benefit the Delaware county humane society. 

There were lots of vendors, people, and other dogs ( and 1 pig ). Cash had a great time she was well behaved and sat for people to pet her. She even got a doggie snow cone ( shaved ice with peanut butter and a milk bone on top). We also received lots of dog food samples and treats. 

Cash got to hang out with her grandma aka my mom as well as my friend Jan and her caviler Wyatt. We even got our photo taken in a photo booth. It was so much fun I can't wait until next year to do it all again. Hopefully it will be cooler next year it was in the upper 80's today. Why do they plan dog events in the summer and not the fall when the weather is better?  

Cash is now passed out sleeping. 💤